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Latitudinal conversations (Asker & Herbertson 2012)

Embodiment, place, and the understandings and metaphors intrinsic to or constructed through body based creative practice. Published in online research journal JAR

Dancing the Landscape (2019) in Karen Bond (Ed) Dance and the quality of life, Springer Publishers

The dancer and landscape relationship is complex and can be reflective of our attitudes and values, emotions, physiology and bearing, and gestures of our bodies. This article explores the experience of dancing in landscapes found on the south coast of New South Wales, Australia.


The Art of Awareness: motivations and orientations in the creative arts (2018) London: Austin Macaulay

In this collection of brief papers I trace the relationships between values individuals and communities live by and their creative processes with a focus on practices that have a performative base. Through the individual articles the themes of informing values or axiology are allowed to asume their own form. This allows their flexible definition and interconnection with questions of being, knowing and our ways of doing things, all of which are implicit in creative practices and of course our day to day lives.

Poetics of dancing: exploring the synesthesia of poetic thought, writing and dancing

in Delving into Dancing, 2020

Dear Heart (2019)

unpublished illustrated anthology

Scorched (2020)

unpublished illustrated anthology 

As it is (2023)

A tale of survival based on the experiences of community members in  a small town devastated by fire and flood.

'Taking a step back from our practice, turning our gaze, our sensibility to attend to the details of our everyday life can be both grounding, and insightful. Such a broadening of scope may well be difficult to achieve, after all we generally find there is barely enough time to foster particular approaches within our practice. But softening our gaze, listening to the background noise, changing our gait, taking alternative paths, having different conversations with others, can remove some of the certainty and break or crack some of the moulds that may be overly restrictive and ultimately limiting of our practice and our way of interacting in the world' (Asker, 2018, p. 11). 

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